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HubSpot Service Hub: Delighted customers will keep the flywheel spinning.

Customer Service has never been more important. But there are so many customer service tools out there. One may wonder: Why did HubSpot even bother creating one themselves? The answer is simple. All other tools are great (well, almost all of them). But they are not really made to fully integrate with the flywheel. Creating a support system is very complex and that is why most other solutions do that and do that great. But will it help you with your marketing and sales processes?
Service Hub does more then just provide a best in class solution. It fully integrates with all your processes. It works intuitive and allows everyone in the whole organisation to utilise the additional data.
Leads based on ticket topics, marketing flows based on knowledge base searched, and a chatbot that can redirect to sales where applicable. These things may not be on the top of your mind if you are looking for a simple solution. But should they not be in order to scale your business?
Service Hub gives you all the power you need and more. From playbooks to automation, from inbound calls to surveys. And all data is directly actionable.

Service Hub image

Understanding HubSpot's Service Hub

At its essence, the Service Hub is a platform designed to manage and optimise customer service interactions. It harmonizes the accessibility of traditional customer service platforms with the robustness of HubSpot's CRM to deliver a truly all-inclusive and user-friendly experience.

Its potency lies in the unified nature of the platform — where service agents, sales teams, and marketers can all collaborate and extract insights. This ensures your customer interactions are not just well managed, but also serve to attract, engage, and satisfy customers.

Pioneering Features of the Service Hub

Unified Communication: Regardless of how your customers choose to communicate — email, chatbot, website forms, surveys, or phone calls — HubSpot Service Hub is configured to amalgamate all these channels into a single, comprehensive hub. This enables your team to have a full picture of every customer interaction and respond promptly from one unified place.

Seamless Collaboration: Apart from facilitating easy communication with customers, the Service Hub is also engineered to foster effective collaboration among your service team. The shared inbox feature ensures that your entire team has access to every ticket, while custom views allow service specialists to focus on the tickets pertinent to them.

Advanced Reporting and Analytics: The true prowess of the Service Hub lies in its ability to offer a single source of truth for your team. No longer do you need to juggle multiple tools and platforms or pull cross-platform reports and data. HubSpot assimilates all crucial data, from customer interactions to sales results and ticket closure times, into one comprehensive reporting platform.

Who Can Benefit from the Service Hub?

Having discussed the salient features and advantages of the HubSpot Service Hub, it's time to ascertain who could most benefit from this platform:

  1. Any company that wants to scrutinize how its customers perceive its brand, product, or service.
  2. Any business aiming to boost revenue by streamlining and enhancing the customer experience.
  3. Companies that need resources to support a burgeoning service team.
  4. Organizations that have already invested in marketing, sales, and service strategies, and are looking for a method to amalgamate these efforts (and their results) into a single platform.

In essence, if you're looking to amplify your customer service game, or are already utilizing some of HubSpot's other Hubs and wish to bolster your potential, then the Service Hub might be the perfect fit for you. If you're still unsure, you can always trial the Hub's free version. To truly discern if and how the Service Hub can augment your team, however, a personalized demo is often the most enlightening option.


Like with all Hubs, Service Hub has 4 tiers. Ranging from free to the enterprise level. With all hubs every tier upgrade also increases limits. This can be in the amount of reports, dashboards, lists, workflows etc. Limit increases are not cumulative. A quick example: In Service  Hub Free the limit for documents is 5. You may also have Sales Hub Starter, which has a documents limit of 5000. This limit will not be increased by the 5 of the Service Hub free subscription as the limit set by Sales Hub Starter is higher. 

Please refer to the pricing page for a full overview of the features and functions per tier.

Service Hub Free

As with all of HubSpot's free versions: there is branding on the pages and forms. And the functionality is limited, restricting you to 1 ticket pipeline, 5 active lists, 10 custom properties and obviously the branding. But you are getting a pretty awesome package completely for free!
Also check out the simple conversational bot that can help you with ticket creation, lead qualification, and meeting booking.

 A great way to test and see if you like the basics of the product before investing more. Or maybe you are a small business and are OK with the limits and the branding?

Service Hub Starter

While the Free version is awesome, the Starter version is what most starting and very small businesses will go with as that removes the HubSpot branding and adds email support for questions you may have..

Conversational routing also allows the live chat to be routed to the right person in your organisation. And with 2 shared inboxes you can even start considering teams, though full support for individual teams requires Pro. 
Repeat tasks and task queues will help streamline the work. And with basic automations you can increase your productivity.
Multicurrency is fully supported with 5 currencies.
And last but not least: you can use HubSpot calling with 500 minutes per account which can be used by those with an assigned seat. Inbound calling is not available for all countries yet and you can use one HubSpot provided phone number for that.

Service Hub Professional

As with all HubSpot Hubs, the professional tier is the sweet spot for most scaling SMB companies. 

The chat bot gets branching logics and advanced targeting. So you may have a 'support' chatbot on your FAQ pages that will use the knowledge base to help customers find answers, while the pricing page may have a qualification bot that branches out to the relevant person or team.

And yes, there is a knowledge base in which you can create up to 2000 articles, which can be both publicly accessible, but also aid your chatbot.

It is also the tier that introduces full automation through workflows. And this could These can for instance also be used for the outcome of surveys.

Surveys delight customers. research has shown that customers who get a survey and do not fill it in are considerable happier with your service than those who did not get a survey. So while it is great to get valuable and actionable feedback, asking for it is a must in some cases.

Teams and presets streamline the onboarding of new team members and setting basic permissions.

And there is so much more like video, call recording and transcription, basic playbooks. Did we also mention there is a native facebook and whatsapp integration?

Service Hub Enterprise

So what do you need more then the Pro if you are growing and scaling, or are an enterprise size company?

More teams and a way to structure them in a hierarchy. With more granular permissions including who can see which fields.

CRM customisation depending on the user or the team. Make sure the right persons see the right information and are not distracted by information they should not see. You can also create custom cards and tabs to make for instance reports about usage of that customer available right in the contact record!

And yes, higher limits. More knowledge bases, more workflows, more teams, more of everything you need. Well, HubSpot may not cover everything you need...

One of the key features that we find particular valuable is playbooks. While there are 5 basic playbooks in the Pro version, the Enterprise version supercharges them and allows you to save properties directly to your CRM. 

While the Pro version allows the full functionality of live chats, the enterprise version adds capacity limits to that.

Goals and forecasting is also elevated from the basic functionality in the Pro version to more advanced and more capable in the Enterprise version, including custom goals.

As information may change and we are not HubSpot: please look at the official resources for full details.