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Sales Hub is what HubSpot is all about!

We know. HubSpot's original product was Marketing Hub. And Salesforce was an investor, not a competitor. But marketing is really about enabling sales at scale. So in a one to many relationship. And the next step is managing sales in a one to one relationship: After the identification we want to deepen the relationship, give the personal touch and make sure all unique questions are answered and you offer the best fit. 
But over the years Sales Hub has drastically increased the market penetration and shows one of the highest performances and satisfaction in G2.

It is no longer an 'Marketing Hub add on', but a full sales suite that can not only heads-on compete with any solution, but is build from the ground up to be intuitive. Give sales reps the data they need so they can sell, not wrestle with the system or make uninformed decisions.

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What is Sales Hub?

Sales Hub is a comprehensive sales software suite developed by HubSpot, designed to streamline and enhance the sales process for businesses of all sizes. It is a powerful tool that integrates seamlessly with your existing systems, providing a centralised platform for managing all sales-related activities. From lead generation and customer relationship management to deal tracking and performance analytics, Sales Hub offers a wide array of features that empower sales teams to work more efficiently and effectively.

The beauty of Sales Hub lies in its scalability, with four distinct tiers tailored to meet the unique needs of different businesses. The Free tier is perfect for small businesses or startups looking to dip their toes into the world of sales automation, offering basic features such as contact management and email scheduling. The Starter tier takes it a step further, introducing additional tools like deal pipelines and simple automation. 

For growing businesses, the Professional tier offers a more robust suite of features, including advanced automation, custom reporting, and predictive lead scoring. Finally, the Enterprise tier is designed for large businesses and corporations, offering advanced features such as revenue attribution reporting, custom event triggers, and team management tools. Each tier is designed to grow with your business, ensuring that you always have the tools you need to drive sales and foster customer relationships. 

In the following sections, we will delve deeper into the specifics of each tier, exploring the unique features and benefits they offer.

Sales Hub Tiers

Like with all Hubs, Sales Hub has 4 tiers. Ranging from free to the enterprise level. We have tried to list them so you can easily understand the considerations you should make.

Sales Hub Free

Sales Hub Free is an excellent starting point for small businesses and entrepreneurs looking to provice structure and clearity in the sales cycle. With a selection of essential features, you can begin attracting and engaging customers without spending a dime. The features included in the Marketing Hub Free version are:

Meeting link +

Creating meetings used to take forever, with back and forwarding about when it suits both parties. No more. With the meeting link the other side can book directly in your calendar and if you let them choose the duration of the meeting.

Product library +
Build a product library, and report on the sales performance of different products. Use the data to see which products and services are selling best.
The free plan allows up to 100 products, paid tiers up to 1 million.
Deal pipeline +
Keep track of deals and predict future revenue based on how likely they are to close. Standard reporting allows you to create basic dashboard to review your growth.

Sales Hub Starter

Priced around 18 euro a month (please see HubSpot website as prices may change), this takes not only away branding on emails and HubSpot hosted documents, but also increases the limits for these documents, lists, pipelines, reports and custom properties.

Where available this will also come with 1 HubSpot provided phone number so you can fully leverage HubSpot calling with an allowance of 500 min a month. There is also support for multiple currencies and up till 10 e-signatures per month.

Sales Hub Professional

Sales Hub Pro is a comprehensive solution for scaling businesses that need advanced sales tools and features. Along with all the benefits of Sales Hub Starter, the Pro tier offers many benefits including limit increases, The brand new prospecting workspace etc. Here are still some of the key features we want to highlight:

Prospecting workspace +
Manage your leads and upcoming prospecting activities in one place to help sales reps stay focused and turn more leads into deals.
Workflows: Sales automation +
With an allowance of 300 workflows that can target all the sales actions. Automating outreaches and actions when deals progress through the pipeline, but also for instance when meetings are scheduled.
Sequences +
Automate outreach, follow-up, and time-consuming tasks. Create flows of timed personalized emails, A/B test different messaging, remind yourself of important follow-up tasks, send InMail and connection requests on LinkedIn, and more.
Account based marketing +
Leverage company-based automation with ABM tools such as company scoring, properties, templates, and out-of-the-box reports.
Call transcription and coaching +
Gain real-time insight into calls with automatic recording and transcription to help you coach your team and gain visibility into your customer conversations.
Custom Reporting +
Create custom reports and dashboards to gain a deeper understanding of your marketing performance and make data-driven decisions.

Sales Hub Enterprise

Sales Hub Enterprise is the pinnacle choice for companies aiming for elevated sales efficiency, comprehensive oversight, and growth potential. This tier encompasses all the offerings of Sales Hub Pro, complemented by an array of robust features tailored to cater to the intricate needs of expansive businesses and sophisticated sales processes. The advantages and functionalities of Sales Hub Enterprise comprise:

Recurring revenue tracking +
Build detailed reports to manage and track recurring revenue and renewals.
Lead form routing +
Use advanced forms with build in logics to make sure the customer can book a meeting with the right person.
Predictive Lead Scoring +
Utilize HubSpot's machine learning algorithms to automatically score leads based on their likelihood to convert. Focus your marketing efforts on high-potential prospects and improve overall conversion rates.
Advanced Permissions and Security +
Manage user access and permissions with granular control to ensure data security and compliance. Create custom user roles and restrict access to sensitive information as needed.
Single Sign-On (SSO) +
Streamline user access to HubSpot with a secure and efficient single sign-on experience. This feature simplifies account management and enhances security for your organization.
Sales Journey Analytics +

Where customer journey analytics is the flagship reporting for marketing, Sales has the exact same now, where you can easily gain deep insights into the consequences actions had on closing deals. Less questions, more and better answers.

Better playbooks +
While there are 5 basic playbooks in Sales Hub Pro, Sals Hub Enterprise does not only offer 4995 more playbooks, but also allows you to embed properties.
This in turn will allow you to create automation and better streamline the process with for instance deal automation based on the entry and exit criteria.
Here is a video of Kyle showing this:

In conclusion, HubSpot Sales Hub offers a range of options to suit businesses of all sizes and needs. From the Free version to the feature-rich Enterprise edition, there's a solution to help you effectively manage and grow and streamline your sales organisation. Where the marketing toolset is all about the first part of the flywheel: attracting customers, Sales Hub is about the engagement.